Chuao Chocolatier: Spicy Maya Hot Chocolate

January 27, 2008 - chocolate

Another freezing weekend, another opportunity to try mix… When you open this can of mix, the first thing that strikes you is the consistency of the mix itself. There’s nuggets of in the mix. Once you’ve made it – the instructions note to bring water to boil, add mix, keep boiling and whisk. Ingredients include no fat dehdryated milk, so you don’t have to use milk, but if you do, I think it makes this mix exceptionally creamy and smooth. Back to the chocolate…

This is another variation on the spicy theme, and while ingredients only say chilies and spices, I believe these are chipotles and/or cayenne. If there is cinnamon, it’s minimal and very subtle. More noticeable is the from the 58% cacao dark chocolate. The text on the container suggests the is all Venezuelan, but does not outright explicitly claim that.

It’s a pretty good spicy mix – but because you use water and this includes dehydrated milk, you need a full 3 tablespoons of mix to a 1/2 cup of hot water, so the servings to mix proportion is lower. Overall: pretty good, fair on the spicy, creamy taste.

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