Chocolove Orange Peel in Dark Chocolate

June 5, 2009 / 0 comments

Compared to the Frey orange dark chocolate, the orange flavor is much more even and subtle, but the freeze-dried orange peel itself is distracting. The chocolate is nice – the Belgian dark chocolate is smoother, more buttery, than the swiss counterpart – but it’s just those damn peels that get in the way.

Frey Bouquet d’Oranges

June 5, 2009 / 0 comments

We’ve had Frey before – generally we’ve tried to find chocolates with pepper – but here we find some orange. We don’t like it so much. The orange powder tastes a bit crystallized, but we wonder if it’s intentional. We’re also wondered if this might be happen to be a bit stale. The chocolate part…

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Valrhona Le Noir Amer

June 5, 2009 / 0 comments

I can’t believe this chocolate hasn;t been reviewed yet. I’m fairly certain we’ve eaten this at least a half dozen times – and probably never had enough lying around long enough to review. We usually pick this up at our local Trader Joes – and quickly devour it. This is a good, straightforward chocolate. Dark?…

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