Dolfin Chocolat Noir Au Poivre Rose
December 16, 2009 - chocolate
Another fantastic Belgian chocolate, this time a dark – 52% cocoa – from the Belgian chocolatier Dolfin. This one is purely pink – peppercorns, that is.
We know well enough know to expect a solid chocolate from the Dolfin folks, and this is no exception. Smooth, nicely balanced, just enough sweet, just enough bitter, and the pink peppercorns gives just the right hint of ‘light’ pepper. That’s the beauty of a bar like this – it really makes you appreciate the subtle difference between a lighter, higher note from pink peppercorn, as opposed to the earthier, more pungent black pepper. (what about white pepper, you ask? there’s a chocolate for that.)
So now we’re two-thirds of the way through our Dolfin pepper chocolate trifecta. Read on…