Fortnum & Mason Chocolate no. 37: mexican mole spice

February 27, 2014 / 0 comments

Another trophy from England, thanks to awesome friends, this is a house brand chocolate that’s an interesting take on Mexican chocolate.

Taza Chipotle Chili Chocolate Mexicano

December 21, 2013 / 0 comments

This was a chocolate on our wish-to-try list recently, and finally picked up a bar. In Somerville, MA, (Suhmahville) these chocolatiers use and grind organic cocao beans using Oaxacan stone mills, in a traditional mexican-style process.

Oro Maya Artisan Mexican Hot Chocolate

July 21, 2012 / 0 comments

Another chocolate bar – ok, not really a chocolate bar for eating, but for melting – for hot chocolate preparation. Of course! Hot chocolate is probably the first relaxing, soothing drink you think of when you’re in Cancún, Playa del Carmen, or other Mexican beach resort, right?

Maria Tepozteca Chocolate Xocolatl (Chile)

August 7, 2009 / 2 comments

Picked this interesting chocolate up while down in Cancún, Mexico. Marketed as a traditional, Aztec-style chocolate, this massive 200g bar had me at “Chile.” “It tastes sweet and a little bit spicy. And, it feels smooth and good.” – 5-year-old.

Marquesitas, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cheese.

February 27, 2009 / 0 comments

We just finished a really nice dinner at La Habicheula in downtown Cancún. We had decided before dinner to take a short stroll to the restaurant we had reservations for the following night, and preview the menu. I had already quickly scanned a map of the area earlier, from our Fodor’s tour book. On that…

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Dagoba Xocolatl dark chocolate, chilis and nibs

March 14, 2008 / 1 comment

So I’m reading this label and wondering what the heck ‘nibs’ are. Are nibs to cocoa beans what giblets are to turkey? Turns out, it’s probably what you expect it to be: roasted cocoa beans, broken into smaller pieces, essentially a purist’s version of chocolate chips.