Newman’s Own Organics – Super Dark Chocolate 70%

August 17, 2009 / 0 comments

Speaking purely as a marketer, this intrigued me on the level of curiosity. Would this compare to other dark chocolates we have sampled? Was this merely a branded version of an organic chocolate produced by some larger chocolate concern? Would this hold up? Would it have been worth it? In short, to my best estimation,…

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Dagoba Conacado – 73% Dark Chocolate, Dominican Republic origin

August 17, 2009 / 0 comments

Dagoba has a phenomenal line of organic, single origin chocolates. We tried another in the line this past weekend, called “conacado,” after the Conacado Fair Trade co-op in the Dominican Republic. This is truly a wonderful chocolate – the flavor covers a wide spectrum of sweet tart fruit (cherry? cranberry?), coffee, hazelnut, and vanilla. This…

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Kallari 85% single source organic chocolate

January 6, 2009 / 0 comments

Very interesting, especially comparing this to the 75% Kallari, I’m truly amazed the difference that the extra 10% makes. This is not like the 75% at all – completely different flavor spectrum, much more restrained and concentrrated. This really is a chocolate-lovers’ chocolate, but borderline too intense. The overwhelming cocoa-ness very nearly drowns out some…

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