Lake Champlain – Traditional Hot Chocolate

January 27, 2008 - chocolate

If you’ve red enough of these entries by now, it’s fair to say I’m a little partial to Lake Champlain chcolates, and here is another good reason: their traditional hot mix. It’s freakin’ plain and simple good. This is how you imagine you remember the first time your mom made you from chocolate syrup, hot milk and a dab of whipped cream on top.

Like the other hot varieties Lake Champlain produce (there’s several) the basis is the same: dutched cocoa, evaporated cane juice. The traditional also has vanilla, and that’s it. Simple, sweet, to the point hot chocolate. More to the point, this instructs to use milk (ok, so I’m purist about this, but why shouldn’t I be? Wouldn’t you prefer half and half instead of powdered instant creamer in your coffee?)

So how good can dutched cocoa be? Well, let’s say that this isn’t Hershey’s. It’s richer tasting, and more tasting. I’m not knocking Hershey’s, it’s just that considering the quantities they produce (and produce consistently, which in itself is no easy task) the differences are like those between a Sierra Nevada and a Budweiser.

If you want a nice, solid, quality hot chocolate, this is worth a try.

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  1. Lea says:

    Well written article.

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