Choxie dark chocolate lemon biscoti truffle bar

June 15, 2008 - chocolate

Another Choxie from Target, this is more candy bar than chocolate. coating around soft, lemon truffle filling inside. Nice, light, airy, almost fluffy tasting. I think is so-so; it could be nicer if it were less sweet and more tart. If you’re a fan, you can skip this bar; this would be more suited for a milk chocolate lover, because of the white creamy center filling.
Four-year-old: “It’s tastes good and I like it. It tastes like cinnamon. A tiny bit of lemon, but it tastes like punch or strawberry.”

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  1. brinna says:

    This is my favorite candy bar of all time and it seems to have disappeared. If anyone knows where I can find one or a similar product, please message me. I know it sounds dumb/crazy/insignificant, but really, I want one.

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