Dolfin Chocolat Noir Au Poivre Rose

December 16, 2009 / 0 comments

Another fantastic Belgian chocolate, this time a dark – 52% cocoa – from the Belgian chocolatier Dolfin. This one is purely pink – peppercorns, that is.

Café Tasse Noir Poivre de Szechuan

December 16, 2009 / 0 comments

Among the many Belgian chocolates I recently found at Chelsea Market Basket, this was one of the most interesting I tried. Now, it’s important to note that I say interesting – it is not my favorite, but I am glad I got to try this.

Hachez Cocoa d’Arriba – Strawberry & Pepper

September 11, 2008 / 0 comments

Strawberry and pepper? German dark chocolate? Sounded interesting. Using Ecuadorian dark chocolate, this is a mildly bitter, dark, not overly sweet chocolate. Very smooth, full-flavored, bittersweet chocolate. We think while the pepper is just about right, the strawberry could stand to be a little more prominent. As it is, it has just a hint of…

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Frey Chocolate Citron & Poivre (lemon & pepper)

March 28, 2008 / 4 comments

Wow – once in a while you try a chocolate that really makes you stop and think about what you’re trying. This is one of them – what a delicious combination of dark swiss chocolate (55%), lemon powder and black pepper. Made by Frey Chocolate, a Swiss chocolatier recently (2006?) introduced their chocolate into the…

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